Self Massage for Headache Relief

For those who steer clear of the pharmacy in favor of natural remedies, these self-massage techniques are great for preventing and relieving headache symptoms.
Step 1
Use your thumbs to press firmly onto the bridge of your nose just below your forehead. Hold firmly for 15 seconds while taking deep breaths, repeat 3-5 times.
Step 2
Next, use your thumbs again to press firmly above the bridge of your nose towards your forehead. Hold firmly for 15 seconds while taking deep breaths, repeat 3-5 times.
Step 3
After that, use both hands to lightly pinch your eyebrows for 15 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times while taking deep breaths.
Step 4
Lastly, use your fingers to press firmly into your temples in a circular motion for 15 seconds. Repeat 3-5 times while taking deep breaths.
truMedic has a whole line of personal massagers that can help prevent and relieve headache symptoms, click here to check them out!