Ready, Aim, Miss

Everyone has their talents. Some people are incredibly athletic, others have amazing fashion sense, and some people excel at composing music. truMedic’s talent is for bringing spa-quality massage products into people’s homes and helping them relax at the end of a long day. It’s something that we are really good at and we have the reviews to prove it.
There is however, something that we are not particularly good at. About two months ago, we set up a dartboard, just as a fun thing to play with when we are on break. The dartboard is very popular, but it turns out that we are collectively, terrible at darts, like really bad, pathetic really. I’m including myself in this.
We have tried buying different types of darts and standing closer than the regulation 7 feet 9 ¼ inches, and still, we’re not any better. I want to say that the reason for this is that we’re just so relaxed because of our amazing line of high-quality products to live life better, but that just feels like an excuse and there is no excuse for being this atrociously terrible at throwing darts.
It has reached a point where our main concern is not to hit a bull’s-eye or a specific number, but to get the dart to land on the board and not stuck in the wall behind it. I can safely say that we have managed not to cause any injuries, which is in and of itself, a major victory.
I have in the past, once accidentally stuck a dart into my own leg. I was at a friend’s house and was trying to do a trick shot by throwing the dart under my leg and I accidentally stuck the dart into the back of my leg. Please be responsible with darts.
So if you ever need someone to join your darts team, do not give truMedic a call, but if you desire a deep-kneading, full-body shiatsu massage at the push of a button, do not hesitate to give us a call or send an email.
*Correction: Everyone at truMedic is terrible at darts except Vice-President Tony Izzo who can get a bull’s-eye three times in a row like its nothing.
Marc | Copywriter