Daily life is filled with stress. Long, congested commutes to work, tight deadlines and a hectic family life takes its toll on our bodies. Sometimes building up in the blink of an eye, we can find our muscles aching and tight, our bodies tired and our minds unable to function correctly. Many of us often forget to take some time for ourselves to just relax and let go of the worries placed on our shoulders, but taking a bit of time each day, week or just once a month can improve our general well-being and help us cope with what life throws at us.
Get some fresh air For lots of us, our day involves sitting in a car or on public transport for half an hour, sitting in an office for eight hours, then going home to take care of our family or relax in front of the TV or computer, meaning we don’t get much fresh air at all. Getting out for just 20 minutes at lunch or getting off the bus a stop early can give our minds the chance to wander, giving us time alone to process the day and re-focus.
Get some exercise Moving our bodies is an important part of combating stressful reactions. Exercising regularly and keeping the body in peak condition makes us feel infinitely more energized – leaving you prepared to manage life’s stresses. Identify the exercises you enjoy most, whether that be cycling, jogging or yoga, and focus on putting all your effort into that. You’ll reap the benefits – both in mind and body.
Write it down Some of us feel stressed because we think there’s not enough time in the day to get things done. However in reality, many of the tasks we feel need to get done today can actually be done tomorrow or the next day. Writing down all your jobs can help put things into perspective and helping to lift the weight from your shoulders.
Laughter is the best medicine Think about that last time you laughed. Truly laughed with every part of you – we bet it’s been a while. A deep, free laugh fires up and then cools down stress responses and increases the heart rate and blood pressure – resulting in an altogether good, relaxed feeling. So watch your favorite comedy show, read a funny book, or go and visit that friend who always has funny stories to tell – you’ll feel considerably better afterwards. Laughter is also good for those experiencing depression and anxiety, helping to lift low moods and episodes of body tightness.
Stress is one of the biggest problems in today’s society; affecting people of all ages and social backgrounds. Heart disease, diabetes, obesity and Alzheimer’s disease are just some of the health problems that have been related to stress. Taking a bit of “time out” and following the advice above can greatly reduce your risk of developing such health problems, and can help you lead a long, happy, healthy, stress-free life.